Sometimes we all make our lives much too stressful. Look at these applications which use heavy and cumbersome 1-1/4" chain slings weighing hundreds of pounds/kilos. The operator has to drag them from the hoist hook to all corners and if he accidentally lets loose of one heavy chain leg it will swing back and may cause injury.

Twin-Path® Slings on the other hand are light and pliable and can be fitted with a wide array of hardware, like hooks, shackles, rings, swivels, etc.

Here you can see the frame supported by wire rope and the thruster itself hanging in a Twin-Path® Extra sling attached to the top of the thruster.
These soldiers are happy that they don’t have to wrestle with large and cumbersome chain slings anymore. Twin-Path® slings not only weigh a fraction of chain slings, they are also easier stored and transported. Pictures show a Canadian tank. Their US fellows still have to wrestle with cumbersome chain slings.
Twin-Path® slings not only weigh a fraction of chain slings, they are also easy to store and transport.